• Parents should foster in their children the habits of neatness, diligence, regularity, punctuality, and respect.
  • Parents are expected to cooperate in the smooth functioning of the school, especially in enforcing discipline, by developing an interest in their child's progress, extending support and encouragement, and ensuring their ward participates in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Parents are expected to sign their child's Progress Report and any other written communication conveyed through the Diary.
  • Every student, when called upon to attend extra classes or take part in any activities of the school, must do so compulsorily.
  • Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities, and sports.
  • Restrict daily pocket money. Excessive spending should be discouraged. The school/class will not be responsible for the loss of money from the school.
  • Do not send gifts or expensive cards for any school authority for any occasion, such as Teacher's Day or birthdays, etc.